Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Snack Attack

How to control your uncontrollable cravings for snacks.
Fact: When people are stressed they tend to crave carbs. That means more snacking during stressful times. Think about tax season, rough weeks at work, preholiday shopping; it’s amazing we aren’t always chomping on some carbs.  The truth is the crunch of snacks helps relieve some of that stress, so why not use that knowledge to your advantage? During those high stress periods it is wise to anticipate that craving and stock your pantry with a lot of healthy, crispy snacks full of delicious carbohydrates!
Myths: Many people think that if they are trying to lose weight that snacks are the first thing they have to eliminate, especially snacks loaded with carbs. Like everything else we have spoken about thus far, we just need to be making smarter choices. For example, there is no reason to eat an entire bag of potato chips. However, you do not need to completely remove potato chips from your snack options. It’s all about moderation. I’ve found that when you put restrictions on your diet, it makes you want the “bad” food even more. If nothing is off limits, you won’t have that feeling. It’s also important to remember that carbs give you energy, so don’t be afraid to eat a handful of pretzels before your spin class or run on the treadmill. Snacks curb hunger throughout the day, making sure you don’t overeat during your meals. Clearly snacking has many benefits.
Healthy Snack Options: There are many alternatives for people to consider when snacking. Instead of eating chips and dip, consider multigrain pita chips and hummus. You will still be satisfying that craving for crunch, but doing it in a way that makes you and your body feel better.  Not to mention that you’ll be fitting into those skinny jeans in no time. So, next time you start to reach a greasy doughnut to snack on, stop and consider a healthy alternative like Whole Grain Pita Chips with Avocado Goat Cheese Dip courtesy of the Food Network.
Happy snacking!

1 comment:

  1. Also there are Glenny's Soy Chips, they are covered in cheese or sweet flavors and they are pure soy, I believe 9 grams of protein and about 140 calories a bag! They really hit the carb/chip craving. But don't be fooled, soy or wheat, the calories still add up!
